Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Making Money Online Easy

Online video is well and truly, having the best time of its life right now. It seems to be factoring in every marketing plan worth its salt, with some incredible videos being produced by brands that are lighting up social media. I wanted to explore the state of the online video industry a bit further and delve into the stats that show the huge growth curve online video is currently on. Right now it is one of the most fascinating aspects of online, as brands continue to push the boundaries of what’s possible and engaging the audience in completely new ways. It is a seriously big business and one that every brand wants to be a part of. And it’s easy to see why..

Over 35 hours of video uploaded to YouTube every minute

This stat on its own is pretty stunning and quite hard to get your head around. But when you look at in in the context of the past 3 years, or even 6 months, you realise just how impressive this is. The graph below from Youtube shows the average hours of video uploaded every minute, back to June 2007. While this started at 6 hours, in the past 6 months it stood at 23. That’s a huge increase of 12 hours per minute in just 6 months :

That is some seriously impressive growth and also shows that just as much as brand video is growing, ugc is growing at a staggering rate, due largely to the growth in mobile and ease of uploading. As Youtube note themselves there are other factors, such as upping the time limit in videos, which would obviously attribute for an increase in the total length of video uploads. But this is impressive nonetheless.

Blinkx shares up by 400%

At the business end of video, Blinkx are showing that online video is starting to become a profitable industry. While Google still won’t reveal whether Youtube is making them money or not, Blinkx have recently announced their first ever turn in profit in the 6 months up to September. And it comes 3 years after they first launched. Blinkx make money through running ads alongside the videos they index, acting as a huge video search tool. They have certainly had a good year, as the 400% share increase shows. It’s also encouraging to see that online video isn’t just about Youtube and there are some other serious players in the market with unique offerings.

Online video ads reach half of U.S. users

While some research shows that advertisers are cautious over online video advertising, due to factors such as standardisation of ad formats, online video advertising is going from strength to strength. A recent study from ComScore (the people who measure things), found that just over 45.4% of users in America viewed at least one video ad over a month. But more impressively, were exposed to 32.2 videos each, on average. That’s over 4.3 million video ads that were served to the online U.S. population in September 2010. This shows the power of online video ads to get right in front of your target audience. And while there are some definite rights and wrongs in the content of the video ad, I think we’ll see this grow even more and prove itself as a valuable industry up there with TV.

Comedian makes $315,000 from online video

A recent study found that comedians top the bill for online video earnings, and one in particular is doing very well. A recent study found that comedian Shane Dawson, who amassed 431.7 million online video views in the past year made $315,000 from his content, through ad revenue. He came out top for independent earners on Youtube and it’s certainly an aspirational case study that shows the business of online video isn’t just for big brands.

Kia spend a third of budget on online video

In a bold move, Kia Motors have invested a third of their £2 million marketing budget for the new Sportage model, into online video. We’ve seen the motor industry embracing social media more and more – with Ford launching a model through Facebook – and this shows the commitment that some brands are making to online video. Not so much an add-on or a nice to have, but a central facet of a multi-million pound campaign. The online campaign will focus on the central characters from the TV adverts and include home-page takeovers and video ads. Cases like this help to solidify online video as a serious marketing avenue that can bring a campaign to life and help you get that extra bang for your buck.

20% of downstream internet traffic is to Netflix

In a huge coup for Netflix, a recent study found that 20% of peak time donwstream internet traffic was streaming video from their site. This is great news for Netflix, and perhaps not so great news for the DVD market. If Netflix were available in Ireland I would be there in an instant and would choose to view all films in this way, as it simply doesn’t make sense to invest in a DVD anymore and I expect that even the gift market for this may eventually die out. 20% is a huge figure and shows how much Netflix has staked its claim in this market.

2 billion videos viewed each month Facebook

In June 2010 Facebook released some interesting stats into their online video offering, which show the huge potential it has to own this market. They revealed that as well as 2 billion video views on its site each month, there were 415,000 online video uploads each day. While it may not be a contender to Youtube just yet, the sharing capabilities within Facebook and the ease of connecting with your community show the potential for this to grow. Interestingly, Youtube now offer the option of connecting with Facebook instead of logging in with your gmail account. This shows Youtube recognises the power to use the huge community on Facebook, something it can’t compete with, to combine with its own wealth of online video.

Live stream video viewing up by 650%

In their most recent report into online video, Comscore announced that the amount of live-streamed video we’re watching has grown by 648% over the past year. This is absolutely phenomenal growth and compares to a (still impressive)  68% increase in video views on Youtube. While it may still form a minor part of the online video  market, live streaming is growing in popularity and use, as we become more accustomed to this form of content, both as consumers and producers. UStream are owning the market here, but Facebook are quickly getting in on the game – recently introducing LiveStream integration with Facebook pages. This has the potential to hugely increase the live stream video market and see it really reach the mainstream.

This guest post is by Moon from Experiments in Passive Income.

This post comes from someone who has made a ton of mistakes and is on her way to learn from those mistakes. You and I probably have a lot in common … after all, you’re here to learn about blogging and how to do it well and, well, I’m trying to do the same.

Being the owner and author of a blog that is in its first year of infancy, it’s been an emotional roller coaster ride—kind of like riding a car with a driver who makes you think of your impending death thanks to their inept braking skills and their random urges to switch lanes (without looking).

As a new blogger in a very crowded niche, I’ve found the year tough. It’s been tough finding my voice among so many others, producing content that is rich and teaches others a thing or two, attracting traffic that sticks (subscribers)—all while trying to establish a schedule.

Still, it helps to be prepared. Here are ten things that will crush your little heart in your first year of blogging:

1. You’re still waking up to low subscriber levels.

After eight months, only 100 subscribers are subscribing to your blog feed. Yeah, that will kill you inside. You might smile on the outside and tell yourself all’s well … but you’ll have to swallow your pride and evaluate how you’re hindering your blog’s growth. Are you presenting your readers with boring content? Or do you need to guest blog to bring exposure to your new blog?

2. You realize that attracting visitors is more than just good SEO.

Sooner or later, you’ll realize that attracting visitors to your blog is more than just good SEO (long-term strategy). At that point, it’s time to buckle down and learn how to use Twitter,, and Facebook properly to garner thousands of views a month.

This type of social media marketing needs to be done, and done well. And it will take you more than a few minutes to promote your content properly and on a daily basis. No one wants to simply hear noise on their media streams—give them that, and they’ll quickly stop paying attention to you.

3. You realize what SEO entails.

Eventually, it dawns on every budding blogger that SEO involves much more than just incorporating your keywords into your content excessively and using keyword rich links. If you want search traffic, you need to spend a few hours a month learning about SEO and actually executing it. It’s amazing how much time I’ve spent catching up on SEO, but I’m still not using it properly. I bet you’re not, either.

4. You fail to monetize your blog.

When you don’t earn even a measly $100 per month from your blog, despite trying hard, it hurts. But earning money through your blog is more than slapping ads on it. Keep trying!

5. You realize there are no easy ways to make money through your blog.

It’s absolutely essential that you write great, unique content and create a list of subscribers who love that content. It’s not 2001 anymore! People have become wary of the Internet, and they want proof of your success before they’ll trust you. Give it to them.

6. You understand that you need to do more for others.

You want subscribers? You need to do more. To get that list going, you should probably create a handy, free ebook or report that deals with a topic related to your blog, and helps your readers. Yes, you do have to help others in order to help yourself.

7. You recognize that good content can take more than an hour to create.

Great content will definitely take more than an hour, especially if you’re a beginner. Anyone can produce good content. You’ll need to write unique and in-depth content to give your readers something to talk about and impress other fellow bloggers—to get the buzz going, so to speak.

8. You realize that people want to read specifics and in-depth case studies.

Your readers can find generic crap anywhere. There are tons of blogs that talk about growing your traffic or making money online … and the majority are boring!

Instead, show readers how you’ve helped someone grow traffic or what strategies you’ve implemented to make money through your blog. This is precisely what I did when I showed my readers how exact domain names can kill the competition! This kind of content takes a bit of time and experience to develop. Keep plugging away!

9. You understand that networking is a necessity, not an option.

This doesn’t mean you re-tweet someone’s post occasionally. You need to converse with your followers, ask questions, and interact with other bloggers—successful ones as well as beginners in your niche and peer bloggers who started around the time you did. Create a group that helps promote each others’ posts. You never know who will get your hype snowball rolling.

10. You realize that you’ve been doing most things wrong!

Just because you knew all this stuff doesn’t mean you executed it at all, or executed it properly. At the time when I started my blog, I thought I knew something about blogs and making money online. But that learning is an ongoing process. Once you realize this, you might feel momentary despair. That’s okay—as long as you continue to take steps and improve your efforts.

Despite all these things that might have you sobbing under the blanket with a pint of scotch, hopefully you’ll realize that you should keep going. In fact, if you love what you’re blogging about, the pure thrill of having your content go viral or making your first few sales will probably have you giggling like a school girl and make you realize that it’s all worth it.

I’ve made all these mistakes and then some and I won’t be quitting any time soon! What mistakes have you made in your blogging experience? Share them with us!

Join Moon as she shares results of her passive income experiments at her website. You can check out her free ebook, To The Moon & Back, in which she details all her experiments in the span of a year

eric seiger do

Dan Abrams - Fox <b>News</b> - 2012 Election | Mediaite

With the 2010 midterm elections an increasingly distant memory, the media is already seeking the breakout star of the 2012 elections, and having to look in the mirror. Given the number of potential presidential candidates accumulating ...

Wayne Besen: The Failure of Cable <b>News</b> to Follow Up

f the cable networks insist on setting the stage for those who tell whoppers, such as the Family Research Council's Tony Perkins, the least they can do is carve out time the following evening to correct the mistruths.

Small Business <b>News</b>: Business Innovation 101

The key to being successful at innovation in business or in life is to never quite be finished with it. There is no such thing as perfection in this imperfect.

eric seiger do

Dan Abrams - Fox <b>News</b> - 2012 Election | Mediaite

With the 2010 midterm elections an increasingly distant memory, the media is already seeking the breakout star of the 2012 elections, and having to look in the mirror. Given the number of potential presidential candidates accumulating ...

Wayne Besen: The Failure of Cable <b>News</b> to Follow Up

f the cable networks insist on setting the stage for those who tell whoppers, such as the Family Research Council's Tony Perkins, the least they can do is carve out time the following evening to correct the mistruths.

Small Business <b>News</b>: Business Innovation 101

The key to being successful at innovation in business or in life is to never quite be finished with it. There is no such thing as perfection in this imperfect.

eric seiger do

Dan Abrams - Fox <b>News</b> - 2012 Election | Mediaite

With the 2010 midterm elections an increasingly distant memory, the media is already seeking the breakout star of the 2012 elections, and having to look in the mirror. Given the number of potential presidential candidates accumulating ...

Wayne Besen: The Failure of Cable <b>News</b> to Follow Up

f the cable networks insist on setting the stage for those who tell whoppers, such as the Family Research Council's Tony Perkins, the least they can do is carve out time the following evening to correct the mistruths.

Small Business <b>News</b>: Business Innovation 101

The key to being successful at innovation in business or in life is to never quite be finished with it. There is no such thing as perfection in this imperfect.

eric seiger do

Dan Abrams - Fox <b>News</b> - 2012 Election | Mediaite

With the 2010 midterm elections an increasingly distant memory, the media is already seeking the breakout star of the 2012 elections, and having to look in the mirror. Given the number of potential presidential candidates accumulating ...

Wayne Besen: The Failure of Cable <b>News</b> to Follow Up

f the cable networks insist on setting the stage for those who tell whoppers, such as the Family Research Council's Tony Perkins, the least they can do is carve out time the following evening to correct the mistruths.

Small Business <b>News</b>: Business Innovation 101

The key to being successful at innovation in business or in life is to never quite be finished with it. There is no such thing as perfection in this imperfect.

eric seiger do

Dan Abrams - Fox <b>News</b> - 2012 Election | Mediaite

With the 2010 midterm elections an increasingly distant memory, the media is already seeking the breakout star of the 2012 elections, and having to look in the mirror. Given the number of potential presidential candidates accumulating ...

Wayne Besen: The Failure of Cable <b>News</b> to Follow Up

f the cable networks insist on setting the stage for those who tell whoppers, such as the Family Research Council's Tony Perkins, the least they can do is carve out time the following evening to correct the mistruths.

Small Business <b>News</b>: Business Innovation 101

The key to being successful at innovation in business or in life is to never quite be finished with it. There is no such thing as perfection in this imperfect.

eric seiger do

Dan Abrams - Fox <b>News</b> - 2012 Election | Mediaite

With the 2010 midterm elections an increasingly distant memory, the media is already seeking the breakout star of the 2012 elections, and having to look in the mirror. Given the number of potential presidential candidates accumulating ...

Wayne Besen: The Failure of Cable <b>News</b> to Follow Up

f the cable networks insist on setting the stage for those who tell whoppers, such as the Family Research Council's Tony Perkins, the least they can do is carve out time the following evening to correct the mistruths.

Small Business <b>News</b>: Business Innovation 101

The key to being successful at innovation in business or in life is to never quite be finished with it. There is no such thing as perfection in this imperfect.

eric seiger do

Dan Abrams - Fox <b>News</b> - 2012 Election | Mediaite

With the 2010 midterm elections an increasingly distant memory, the media is already seeking the breakout star of the 2012 elections, and having to look in the mirror. Given the number of potential presidential candidates accumulating ...

Wayne Besen: The Failure of Cable <b>News</b> to Follow Up

f the cable networks insist on setting the stage for those who tell whoppers, such as the Family Research Council's Tony Perkins, the least they can do is carve out time the following evening to correct the mistruths.

Small Business <b>News</b>: Business Innovation 101

The key to being successful at innovation in business or in life is to never quite be finished with it. There is no such thing as perfection in this imperfect.

eric seiger do

Dan Abrams - Fox <b>News</b> - 2012 Election | Mediaite

With the 2010 midterm elections an increasingly distant memory, the media is already seeking the breakout star of the 2012 elections, and having to look in the mirror. Given the number of potential presidential candidates accumulating ...

Wayne Besen: The Failure of Cable <b>News</b> to Follow Up

f the cable networks insist on setting the stage for those who tell whoppers, such as the Family Research Council's Tony Perkins, the least they can do is carve out time the following evening to correct the mistruths.

Small Business <b>News</b>: Business Innovation 101

The key to being successful at innovation in business or in life is to never quite be finished with it. There is no such thing as perfection in this imperfect.

eric seiger do

Dan Abrams - Fox <b>News</b> - 2012 Election | Mediaite

With the 2010 midterm elections an increasingly distant memory, the media is already seeking the breakout star of the 2012 elections, and having to look in the mirror. Given the number of potential presidential candidates accumulating ...

Wayne Besen: The Failure of Cable <b>News</b> to Follow Up

f the cable networks insist on setting the stage for those who tell whoppers, such as the Family Research Council's Tony Perkins, the least they can do is carve out time the following evening to correct the mistruths.

Small Business <b>News</b>: Business Innovation 101

The key to being successful at innovation in business or in life is to never quite be finished with it. There is no such thing as perfection in this imperfect.

eric seiger do

Dan Abrams - Fox <b>News</b> - 2012 Election | Mediaite

With the 2010 midterm elections an increasingly distant memory, the media is already seeking the breakout star of the 2012 elections, and having to look in the mirror. Given the number of potential presidential candidates accumulating ...

Wayne Besen: The Failure of Cable <b>News</b> to Follow Up

f the cable networks insist on setting the stage for those who tell whoppers, such as the Family Research Council's Tony Perkins, the least they can do is carve out time the following evening to correct the mistruths.

Small Business <b>News</b>: Business Innovation 101

The key to being successful at innovation in business or in life is to never quite be finished with it. There is no such thing as perfection in this imperfect.

eric seiger do

Dan Abrams - Fox <b>News</b> - 2012 Election | Mediaite

With the 2010 midterm elections an increasingly distant memory, the media is already seeking the breakout star of the 2012 elections, and having to look in the mirror. Given the number of potential presidential candidates accumulating ...

Wayne Besen: The Failure of Cable <b>News</b> to Follow Up

f the cable networks insist on setting the stage for those who tell whoppers, such as the Family Research Council's Tony Perkins, the least they can do is carve out time the following evening to correct the mistruths.

Small Business <b>News</b>: Business Innovation 101

The key to being successful at innovation in business or in life is to never quite be finished with it. There is no such thing as perfection in this imperfect.

eric seiger do

Dan Abrams - Fox <b>News</b> - 2012 Election | Mediaite

With the 2010 midterm elections an increasingly distant memory, the media is already seeking the breakout star of the 2012 elections, and having to look in the mirror. Given the number of potential presidential candidates accumulating ...

Wayne Besen: The Failure of Cable <b>News</b> to Follow Up

f the cable networks insist on setting the stage for those who tell whoppers, such as the Family Research Council's Tony Perkins, the least they can do is carve out time the following evening to correct the mistruths.

Small Business <b>News</b>: Business Innovation 101

The key to being successful at innovation in business or in life is to never quite be finished with it. There is no such thing as perfection in this imperfect.

eric seiger do

Dan Abrams - Fox <b>News</b> - 2012 Election | Mediaite

With the 2010 midterm elections an increasingly distant memory, the media is already seeking the breakout star of the 2012 elections, and having to look in the mirror. Given the number of potential presidential candidates accumulating ...

Wayne Besen: The Failure of Cable <b>News</b> to Follow Up

f the cable networks insist on setting the stage for those who tell whoppers, such as the Family Research Council's Tony Perkins, the least they can do is carve out time the following evening to correct the mistruths.

Small Business <b>News</b>: Business Innovation 101

The key to being successful at innovation in business or in life is to never quite be finished with it. There is no such thing as perfection in this imperfect.

eric seiger do

Dan Abrams - Fox <b>News</b> - 2012 Election | Mediaite

With the 2010 midterm elections an increasingly distant memory, the media is already seeking the breakout star of the 2012 elections, and having to look in the mirror. Given the number of potential presidential candidates accumulating ...

Wayne Besen: The Failure of Cable <b>News</b> to Follow Up

f the cable networks insist on setting the stage for those who tell whoppers, such as the Family Research Council's Tony Perkins, the least they can do is carve out time the following evening to correct the mistruths.

Small Business <b>News</b>: Business Innovation 101

The key to being successful at innovation in business or in life is to never quite be finished with it. There is no such thing as perfection in this imperfect.

eric seiger do

Dan Abrams - Fox <b>News</b> - 2012 Election | Mediaite

With the 2010 midterm elections an increasingly distant memory, the media is already seeking the breakout star of the 2012 elections, and having to look in the mirror. Given the number of potential presidential candidates accumulating ...

Wayne Besen: The Failure of Cable <b>News</b> to Follow Up

f the cable networks insist on setting the stage for those who tell whoppers, such as the Family Research Council's Tony Perkins, the least they can do is carve out time the following evening to correct the mistruths.

Small Business <b>News</b>: Business Innovation 101

The key to being successful at innovation in business or in life is to never quite be finished with it. There is no such thing as perfection in this imperfect.

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